Tau Ceti -proto slavic people descent planet.
Tau Ceti, a planet resembling Tatooine in Star Wars, is the home planet of theNEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Epsilon Eridani 5.5 lys Gliese 876 10 lys Epsilon Indi 11.5 lys
TAU CETI is a yellow-orange dwarf with a total of seven planets in orbit. Six of these are rocky worlds that are in close proximity to the host star while the seventh planet is a gas giant which orbits within a vast, cold dust disk at the edge of the system. This debris field contains ten times more cometary and asteroidal material than the Sol system and includes large concentrations of Eridium ore. Proto-Slavics. It is far from the Earth and the solar system. DISTANCE: 11.9 light years (lys) from the Sun.
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