FBI probes Ukrainian-born ‘heiress’ who posed as Rothschild, gained access to Trump
Inna Yashchyshyn, or ‘Anna de Rothschild,’ said to have infiltrated Mar-a-Lago, currently at center of investigation into ex-president’s removal and handling of classified files
28 August 2022, 4:36 am
Inna Yashchyshyn aka "Anna de Rothschild" (Youtube screenshot)
Inna Yashchyshyn aka "Anna de Rothschild" (Youtube screenshot)
The FBI has launched an investigation into the business dealings of a Ukrainian-born woman who reportedly posed as a member of the Rothschild family, the famous Jewish international banking dynasty, and who appeared to have gained access to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and to the former US president himself under false pretenses.
An investigative piece published Friday by the Organized Crime & Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) together with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette detailed how 33-year-old Inna Yashchyshyn, a Russian-speaking immigrant to the US born in Ukraine, presented herself as banking heiress “Anna de Rothschild” and inflitrated Trump’s Florida resort, mingling with guests at the private members’ club, posing for photos with Trump, US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and others at Mar-a-Lago functions.
The estate is currently at the center of an FBI investigation into Trump’s unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents, some of them top secret, at the property.
According to the joint report, Yashchyshyn is the daughter of an Illinois truck driver and it is unclear when she arrived in the US. Reporters of the publications posted photos of fake US and Canadian passports in the name of Anna de Rothschild bearing Yashchyshyn’s photograph, though she has denied involvement.
The FBI office in Miami and the Sûreté du Québec provincial police in Canada have launched investigations into Yashchyshyn’s dealings, specifically in relation to a charity called United Hearts of Mercy, first founded in Montreal, Canada by Moscow businessman Valery Tarasenko in 2010 with a branch in Miami in 2015. The charity claimed it helps lift children “from spiritual, social, economic, and physical poverty” in various parts of the world, the report said.
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Yashchyshyn and Tarasenko are engaged in a complex, bitter legal dispute and have filed domestic violence injunctions in Florida against each other. Yashchyshyn claimed she and Tarasenko were in a relationship and that he coerced her into a scheme to wrangle funds from various mean, accusations Tarasenko denies.
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