The author of the following text is Mr. Michał Richter.
The author of the following text is Mr. Michał Richter.
I want to present to you the technology of subspace tunnels, the subspace field otherwise known as the dipolar field and telekinesis. Differently called the movement in the subspace and telekinetic field of a duplicate of animate and inanimate matter, called subspace telemetry signature in the opposite subspace world.
Prof. Jan Pająk calls the world of subspace the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (KDG), a thinking energetic substance in which there is a telemetric record of the universe.
All material things and living organisms. The Hebrew science called GEMATRIA deals with determining the numerical and mathematical values of duplicate ghosts. So if alien civilizations accelerate electrons and protons to a tachyon frequency and place that tachyon in an opening dipolar field, their space vehicles reach dizzying superluminal velocities, called WARP velocity in the STAR TREK series. The same is said by Dr. Jan Pajak, if we place a physical object in a dipolar telekinetic field, we will move a telemetric signature called a duplicate in a subspace. This movement is called telekinesis.
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Or if we use an infrared laser to scan an object and give it a value
telemetry and with the help of tachyons we will place in a dipolar field, it will be possible to go first into the state of an event spot composed of tachyons, and then into the state of aggregation of elementary particles and then subatomic particles, and materialization of the object.
This phenomenon and process is called replication. This will result from the motion of the telekinetic duplicate and its transition through the dipolar field into the state of aggregation after leaving the subspace.
This is exactly the process we observe in the STARTREK replicator. Another example is the use of subspaces to create wormholes for time travel. If we give the dipolar field a telemetry value, e.g. to the eye of 1932 every millionth of a second, then the telekinetic subspace tunnel will open just at this time and point in space. This makes it possible to create a space-time portal and a time machine from the First Generation Magnocraft and stone circles in Węsiory and Odry.
Why stone circles? Because they are a strong accumulator of the telekinetic network of geothermal energy connections of the Earth. However, we would have to use a wand to find the intersection point of such energies in a given area, i.e. the ground chakra. It is possible at any point on the globe because the entire earth is covered with a network of such energies.
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Basically, however, to open a tunnel, you need a strong flux of negatively charged electrons, the so-called electron storm. A strong discharge such as: during a storm is necessary because we have to line the wormhole with a wallpaper of strongly negatively charged electron particles.
Only then will the interdimensional input and output be fully formed under the dipolar space. An important conclusion is to notice that the geothermal energy network oscillates telekinetically in relation to the gravity field of the Earth and the cosmos. In order to open a subspace tunnel among such oscillating fields, one should use telekinetic devices and free energy described by me in subsection II MAGNOKRAFT.
The Magnocraft is a vehicle that primarily uses the placement of a tachyon beam in a dipolar field as a method of picking up superluminal speed. The Magnocraft's engine is the Oscillatory Chamber. It is a cylinder or crystal cube filled with vacuum and gas.
In the north, i.e. at the top of the Oscillatory Chamber, there is an EL plate electrode, a high-voltage capacitor and inductors, i.e. inductors. At the bottom, i.e. in the south, there is an ER plate electrode and a high-voltage capacitor and induction cables connected to it. A spark gap S is formed between the plate electrodes, which creates a high voltage electron field.
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Further, the induction conductors are connected to a capacitor of negatively charged particles. It can be seen in the figure.
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The Magnocraft is an atmospheric and gravity vehicle. The gravity field of the Oscillatory Chamber and side propulsors would bind the atmosphere and its circulation on this vehicle.
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The gravitational field of the ship would produce the north and south poles of the Oscillatory Chamber. And analogously, the poles of the side propulsors. For example, the Earth, which has a gravitational field, keeps the atmosphere on its surface. The atmosphere consists of 80% nitrogen, 17% oxygen and 3% water, and must be circulated. Let us imagine that we turn on about 1000 hydrogen gas discharge lamps from the Oscillatory Chamber's batteries.
Then, with a special coil, we inject hydrogen into the group of chlorophylls on gas consisting of algae, bacteria and cyanobacteria together with oxygen, which is blown up by a fan through a ventilation shaft heated by heating lamps. This would then lead to a set of microfilms composed of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, nitrogen would be produced. Then there would be an anonification team composed of nitrifying bacteria from which the nitrate would be formed. Even after that, it would lead to a denitrifying complex composed of denitrifying bacteria.
Then with the use of strong tratomically enriched magnets connected to plate electrodes, we would cause an electron storm, this would lead to evaporation and condensation of water that would fall into a special water tank, distributed by a water pump to a tap on the Magnocraft's deck. Wastewater would also be discharged to a special tank and oxidized and discharged to the chlorophyll system.
Then, after the denitrifying unit, there would be a group of nitrate bacteria that would create ammonia ammonia. This is how the circulation of oxygen, nitrogen and water on the deck of the Magnocraft would look like. After each assembly, there would be a fan pump. In order to maintain life on board a ship, the life support system would need to occupy 25% of the area of the Magnocraft. Alien civilizations carry out the shell of the Magnocraft by means of a cold fusion, we would need to use a hot casting alloy to shape the shell of the Magnocraft.
The shell would consist of an alloy of dolomite, titanium and carbonite macerated with shells and carbon fibers giving it a crystalline, luminous appearance. In addition, the on-board computer would have to have a special operating system that supports all devices connected to it by means of nano-steering microchips, such as a spetroscope, tricoders (analyzers), chemical, physical, astronomical, e.g. pressure, night vision and night vision devices, periscope, telescope, navigation systems, probes, radar devices, telecommunication systems and backlight and superlumination systems using tachyons-CB radio, mobile communication, DVB-S and DVB-T systems, digital communication as well as infrared laser scanners.
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Please, imagine the lithographic technology performed with a scanning tunneling microscope with a thin needle at the level of atoms (molecular particles) of the Magnocraft's propulsion system made of quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots, contained in one microchip, and its location in the nerve connections of the arms and legs having a connection with the right and left cerebral hemispheres.
Everything would be made in MOCVD and MBE technology. In this way, we would achieve a magnetic personal drive in the style of David Copperfield or SaiBaba. Of course, we could put such a drive in the shoes and gloves of the MNO suit, but we would have to have a special computer control module with a telemetry microtransmitter and a control nanochip that would be connected to the brain's radio waves. However, the first version of the MNO is much easier to do.
A man equipped with it could move in the telekinetic-subspace field, replicate objects, levitate or fly on a broomstick like old witches and sorcerers.
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We should correctly learn that stone circles were created in order to create a space-time portal from the energy of the geothermal-telekinetic chakra oscillating with the gravity field of the Earth and the universe.
The middle stone is the energy accumulator of telekinetic geothermal energy, while the side stones use its transmitters, telekinetic drives are installed on or near them, while near the central stone of the cell
It's still connected
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