Khazaria Fake Jews
Khazaria Fake Jews
to Judaism in Khazaria, and is todays calling themselves European Jews and askeNazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews are European Jews whose ancestors came from Khazaria, not Israel. Their agenda to rid all Gentiles and real Jews off the planet as written in their Talmud. In the Arab world the theory espoused in Koestler's book was adopted by persons who argued that if Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of the Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites, thus undermining the theological basis of both Jewish. The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. com/askdrbrownstudio 11-01-18 Dr. Khazaria is the land, and its people, the Khazars, which are the source of the Jewish communities in Eastern Europe i. com) Many anti-Semites complain that modern Jews are not the Biblical Jews but are descended from the Khazars. The Khazars were pagans before they became Jews. Another reason for setting up this site is to give evidence of the true origins of the ancient Egyptians from a non-racist viewpoint inasmuch. [11] Jim Wald, “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine,” Times of Israel , March 18, 2014. Also there is a huge amount of literature that says the Cuthites were the same as the Scythian and they populated the world, including Ireland. The strife in the. The Turkish Jewish Khazar. However, there is a theory – founded in the 1800s, and holding some small degree of popularity today – that the Ashkenazim are not Jews; but rather, Gentile descendants of the Khazars. The REAL Replacement Theology is the LIE that the Khazars/askeNazis and the Edomites and Kenites have hijacked and replaced Jesus’ Church; The New Israel, The New Jerusalem. The name "Khazar" seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering". gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and. The circumstances of the conversion remain obscure, the depth of their adoption of Judaism difficult to assess; but the fact itself is undisputed and unparalleled in central Eurasian history. Get this from a library! The Jews of Khazaria. The truth about the Talmud. In fact, there have been Jews in Germany, long before Khazaria even existed, possibly even a thousand years earlier. End Times Reductionism for the few US jews who will realize the hoax before they are charred to the extermination camps Too late to finally realize that "jews in control", from Hollywood to the US administration, are nothing but actors part of the script to finally wipe them off the face of the earth. All but one of the bonafide Khazars studied show significant Mongoloid ancestry from the original Turkic homeland in southern Siberia and Central Asia. Sir David Attenborough Defends Fake Polar Bear Footage Frozen Planet TV Series Faked--"We Did it For the Polar Bears" BBC Brand in Meltdown over Polargate BBC--"We Fake it all the Time" US to Control Iraqi Oil Indefinitely UK Green Targets Get Tougher Cost of Treating Cancer to Rise Dec. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A. Devout Christians and Jews both believe the legitimacy of Israel depends on a relatively pure Jewish race. Only 3% of Ashkenazi DNA is "ancient ancestry" from the Middle East. Prepare for it, but don’t be frightened. The jews LOVE you to think they are a religion, because then anyone can claim not to be part of the religion. Late 1500’/1600’s- England is where they gained a foothold in. If These did not exist, every adult person in the country could have a million dollars to look after their housing, education, health and retirement needs. Khazaria was known by other surrounding nations as a lawless, evil nation that allowed the worst The site of the Khazar fortress at Sarkel, sacked by Sviatoslav c. These "Jews" that occupy the land of Israel today were not in bondage in the countries they came from. However, rather than having been made by [orthodox] Jews, these appear to be Shamanistic Sun Discs” (The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook. The Khazars and their close associates and subordinates, the S. If the "Jews" are not Abraham's seed, then who is? 09. Khazaria: A Forgotten Jewish Empire Nicholas Soteri reflects on the early religious controversies of Eastern Europe, focusing in particular on an often overlooked kingdom, the Khazar. The same individuals have been arrested in Haiti after the quake for child kidnap. That is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into place. The Jews and papists wished to debase him by confounding him in this way. , accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. The mossad bombed Jews, and other peoples, to stir up trouble in Tunisia most outrageously but elsewhere. While it is true that many modern Jews did go through Khazaria and mix with the inhabitants there, this theory neglects the fact that there are Jewish populations in Palestine who never left the region and Jewish populations in Spain and North Africa who never went through Khazaria. It is estimated that about one-third of Jews worldwide were killed during WW2. There have been Jews living in Europe for almost three thousand years. Ted Pike - The Other Israel; Fake Jews, Talmud, synagogue of Satan & the Illuminati. Yiddish became the lingua franca of these Ashkenazic Jews and absorbed German words while maintaining the Slavic. The Khazars converted to Judaism and thus modern day Jews, it is claimed, are imposters who have no claim on the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael. awsome isn`t it? well, the identification is useful, as Askhenazi Jews are also called Khazar Jews. The Jews and Modern Capitalism – Werner Sombart – 1911. 2 million by Jews and 0. In his book The Thirteenth Tribe, he demonstrated that the vast majority — perhaps 90 percent — of those now calling themselves Jews are descended from Khazaria, not the ancient Hebrews. Jews always hated the Arabs, so they planted Mohammad to warp Arabs. These Turkic peoples were pagans who convertedto Judaism in the eighth century. 👀😲 Being a joo does NOT make one a descendant of ancient HEBREWS but the descendant of people who CONVERTED to Judaism. Brown addresses the latest. Not all Jews agree with what the Zionists are doing, and this was the case from the very beginning, even though the Zionists and their media pretended to speak for all Jews. 218 -- is capt ajit vadakayil right when he says – jew hitler tasked with eliminating anal sex receiving white jews (who were unwanted in the promised land of israel) , was the chief executor of the haavara agreement which was an incentive to jews to migrate from comfortable europe to a barred desert called palestine. They migrated to these lands from Khazaria and were not taken captive to Poland, Germany, and Russia. He proved prophetic and died a man of absolute truth. Game onet fruit for laptop. Table of Contents. 5 million by Jews, 1. Many Ashkenazi Jews now find they have some Khazar (or intermingled Tatar) ancestry. Dead mate movie watch online. The Scythian homeland was Khazaria. to Judaism in Khazaria, and is todays calling themselves European Jews and askeNazi Jews. By that time, this religion became know as Judaism. Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and other Jews all share common genetics. It is prophesied that two-thirds will be killed during the time Jesus Christ called “Jacob’s trouble. The word Hindu to me meant that sleazy Jewish merchant bania who is untrustworthy and tries to justify their reign with fake blue arm man stories and then are hypocrites with their rat temples and also deva dasi ways. The Khazars and Jews enjoyed a diplomatic relationship and eventually Khazarian nobility converted to Judaism around the 8th-9th century A. Except for the Germans, who are completely alien to the region and to the planet really. The Khazarians choose Judaism and melded their occult worship of Baal with Judaism to create Babylonian Talmudism to fool Russia and the confederacy of nations who was forcing the conversion. ’’ Exact quote:. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. The Chinese used to call the Jews in Kaifeng "blue-capped Muslims" because the latter wore blue caps for religious rituals,. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. In this book you will learn that the majority of the Jews today are not semitic at all but from a place called Khazaria, a people having no connection to semitic Jews. Here’s a link to my Revelation Fulfillment Summary , which shows the historical explanation for what’s already been fulfilled (most of it); where we’re at now on the fulfillment timeline (in the 6th bowl); and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s glorious return. The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook, chronicles the history of the Khazars, a people who, in the early Middle Ages, founded a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia). Israel is a terrorist state an illegal subhuman baby killing state ,who believe that all non jews are animals and were put on earth to serve the jews ,They are not gods chosen people ,God never promised Israel a state , The jews run china England Usa Australia ,and their lies about the Holocaust have been exposed now ,Dumb Goyim ,the continued. Their leaders took on false names changed their name to Bauer and still practiced Babylonian Talmudism. The fake, Marx, was funded by the Rothschild international bankers and was himself part of the aristocracy by marriage. the Khazarian supremacists. The Jews were understandably uncomfortable under the hegemony of the Rus. Jews at most have only been 14-15 million in number. All of the Ashkenazi Jews alive today can trace their roots to a group of about 330 people who lived 600 to 800 years ago. 965 (aerial photo from excavations. January 23, 2016. The "Jews" of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. The Khazars converted to Judaism and thus modern day Jews, it is claimed, are imposters who have no claim on the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael. The word Hindu to me meant that sleazy Jewish merchant bania who is untrustworthy and tries to justify their reign with fake blue arm man stories and then are hypocrites with their rat temples and also deva dasi ways. What a side-show it is, a mere joke: a cartoon-plus. Titus Didius Tacitus March 16, 2015 7:50 PM Also, I've been impressed by how rich you are. It's a theory that more or less affirms the understanding that many Jews themselves hold. They migrated to these lands from Khazaria and were not taken captive to Poland, Germany, and Russia. Who are the Khazars?. They also confirmed that the Khazars included members with a combination of Caucasoid and Mongoloid origins. However, there is a theory – founded in the 1800s, and holding some small degree of popularity today – that the Ashkenazim are not Jews; but rather, Gentile descendants of the Khazars. has been taken over by the elite. Titus Didius Tacitus March 16, 2015 7:50 PM Also, I've been impressed by how rich you are. Many Ashkenazi Jews now find they have some Khazar (or intermingled Tatar) ancestry. I do know that the guy who replaced Foxman has. They were kicked out of Khazaria by the Russinas, they settled in areas like Germany and Poland. The idea that modern-day “Jews” are the descendants of the ancient Israelites is one of the biggest deceptions in all of history — along with the official story on the so-called “Holocaust”, and the ideas that Judaism is the foundation of Christianity, and that Jews are the “friends” of Christians. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a gentile. 3: Hebrew Israelites usually hold the King James Version of the Bible as…. 3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian "Return" in 520 BC), 4 - Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD ), 5 - Turkic "Hindu" Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC ), and. The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook, chronicles the history of the Khazars, a people who, in the early Middle Ages, founded a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia). Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews. In turn the SPSC has access to the heart of the Scottish Government and Justice system. Kicked Out Of Heaven The Untold History of The White Races cir. Unless Zionism is destroyed soon, American Jews are in GREAT DANGER of being victimized again (the REAL Holocaust) by those Zionist Slimeballs from "New Khazaria", who only CLAIM to be Jews. By that time, this religion became know as Judaism. "The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to remain off the radar screen for allied. They form the three-part rule of the Secret Government, and are puppets of the Vatican. They do not descend from one another, but they both descend from the same original White ancestors through different branches!. This is why the Church had to change it in turn, to Christianise this Luciferian symbol. ALL countries of the World is now ruled by fake Jews and fake Israel…. This, of course, was the conversion of the kingdom of Khazaria, the time when the kings of the Khazars adopted the Jewish religion and made Hebrew the written language of the kingdom. The Jews of Khazaria chronicles the history of the Khazars, a people who, in the early Middle Ages, founded a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia). Khazaria was located north and northeast of the Black Sea and existed for about 5-600 years, to some time in the 13 th century when they were pushed west by invaders. Several times I have referred to white nationalism, which is basically an American phenomenon, as ‘charlatanry’. It was a conniving act by the Zionists to create shock reactions in the people, to paint the Germans as evil, while portraying the thieving, arch-corrupt, hedonistic Jews as the victims. Hall = 32nd Degree Satanic Freemason, U. In 2010 I was contacted by the chief editor of a volume called "Khazars: Myth and History," put together by the Russian Academy of Sciences. They came from former Khazaria region, today Georgia/Ukraine. They were not "Jews;" they were Hebrews, or sons of God. Contrarian Hungarian ex-communist and scientist Arthur Koestler brought the Khazar hypothesis to a wider audience with The Thirteenth Tribe (1976), in the hope that disproving a common Jewish. 218 -- is capt ajit vadakayil right when he says – jew hitler tasked with eliminating anal sex receiving white jews (who were unwanted in the promised land of israel) , was the chief executor of the haavara agreement which was an incentive to jews to migrate from comfortable europe to a barred desert called palestine. But this does not appear to be the case with Trump; who, in his speeches, shows dislike and distaste for Jewish lies. Fake jew or non-fake jew your argument doesn't paint any better picture and as one other poster stated- certainly doesn't justify their actions against the helpless Palestinian people. 7 The Channel Islands 3 Also see 4 Sources A haplotype is a group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent, and a haplogroup (haploid from the Greek: ἁπλούς, haploûs, "onefold, simple" and English: group) is a group of similar. The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook, chronicles the history of the Khazars, a people who, in the early Khazaria was especially notable for its religious tolerance, and in the 9th century, a large. Linear time isn't real, Khazars are magi/shaman, we create fake timelines, as has been mentioned by numerous Rothschilds who've come on here to talk about this, I am a Khazar royal. Israel is a terrorist state an illegal subhuman baby killing state ,who believe that all non jews are animals and were put on earth to serve the jews ,They are not gods chosen people ,God never promised Israel a state , The jews run china England Usa Australia ,and their lies about the Holocaust have been exposed now ,Dumb Goyim ,the continued. Zionist ‘666’ Israel, is NOT the Israel of the Bible. As an illustration let me start with a brief information about Bengali nation, which had an outright majority with 56 percent of the total population of Pakistan in comparison to the west wing of the federation which had 44 percent. The view that some or all Khazars, a central Asian people, became Jews during the ninth or tenth century is widely accepted. State of Khazaria (fake "Israel") bans interracial marriage novel because it "threatens Jewish identity", and in order to "maintain purity of jewish blood" !!. That's wrong. The Jews of Khazaria explores the history and culture of Khazaria—a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia) in the early Middle Ages noted for its adoption of the Jewish religion. No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too. Boer and Aryan Genocide in South Africa by these niggroids and jews is called a myth by these same parasites and terrorists. Most notably, commentators were arguing, unlike other Jewish ethnic groups, Ashkenazi Jews were the descendants of Turkic converts called Khazars. Bill Bonner of Daily Reckoning penned and published 2 interesting articles on 7/24/09 - One and Two. I don’t think races are ‘pure’, because people always thought in terms of tribes and not in terms of races. [11] Jim Wald, “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine,” Times of Israel , March 18, 2014. A Jew shall not do injury to other Jews, but the law does not prohibit injury to a goy (Mishna Sanhedryn 57). They have infiltrated every land, every tribe, and try to inter-breed. It is filled with contradictions and no apologist has. Since the Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Israelites, then it is not possible that they had any ancestors who lived in the Khazar kingdom. The Jews have a secret history, a history of which they are familiar. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A. When it comes to Baruch Goldstein’s murder of 29 Palestinians at prayer, fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge that such an act constitutes “murder” because according to the Halacha, “the killing by a Jew of a non-Jew under any. Jews of Khazaria Busted. Ashkenazi Khazars (93% of the world “Jewry”) are fake “Jews. The Citizens Arrest Party is the foundational and educational site built on the Second Amendment to arrest the hurts while at the same time allow for the possibility that every person can live the American Dream once again from cradle to grave. Khazaria eventually fell, and some of its Jews went to Eastern Europe. La conclusion selon laquelle les gens se réclamant d'être « Juifs » sont des Khazars et n'ont aucune lien d'apparenté à l'ancien Israël est étayée par. It is also possible that there were Khazar Jews in the Crimea, which was known to the Italians in the late Middle Ages and perhaps still later as Gazaria. Jews are Khazars, not Israelites. Get this from a library! The Jews of Khazaria. "The Life of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel” by Jack Bernstein: “As the collapse of Israel draws near, one of two courses of action by the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle is likely to be taken: Israel could trigger a large scale Mideast war, a large war which Israel could not win alone. ” Israel will purged of fake Jews, the ones that Jesus called a “Synagogue of Satan” in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, in the letters to Smyrna and Philadelphia. The best men and The Khazars faded away before any significant contact with European Jews in the Diaspora. They once lived in the area of Rhineland and France and after the crusades they moved to Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Ashkenazi Jews of White race plundered the land of native Palestinian who is legitimate Jews, claiming they are descendants of ancient Israelite, and they established fake Jewish country as Israel. The Jews of Khazaria is a brilliant work of incredible research written in a very interesting manner. Bharat scout guide history. same game , same cult. For Jews, the history of the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism is best known from essays in The Kuzari: In Defense of the Despised Faith, a medieval book composed by. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities—a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship…The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in. A new poll finds that 26 percent of Americans believe the Jews killed Jesus. com) Many anti-Semites complain that modern Jews are not the Biblical Jews but are descended from the Khazars. Ashkenazi Jews are European Jews whose ancestors came from. Get the Jews out of Wall Street, retail, and finance, so they cannot swindle us out of our hard-earned money, and sell us shoddy goods and kosherized food. The idea that modern-day “Jews” are the descendants of the ancient Israelites is one of the biggest deceptions in all of history — along with the official story on the so-called “Holocaust”, and the ideas that Judaism is the foundation of Christianity, and that Jews are the “friends” of Christians. Khazaria eventually fell, and some of its Jews went to Eastern Europe. 931 VERONA (Italy). In 1973, a man named Koestler wrote “the Thirteenth Tribe. 43% of Jews believe that they face discrimination and 15% feel they were discriminated against or insulted in the past year. By the tenth century, the Jews on the Black Sea migrated to Ukraine and Italy. Most notably, commentators were arguing, unlike other Jewish ethnic groups, Ashkenazi Jews were the descendants of Turkic converts called Khazars. 3000 years of fake genealogies - yes the bible included ATLAS OBSCURA ; 3000 YEARS OF FAKE GENEALOGIES by George Pendle The history of human's faking their genealogies to make themselves and their ancestors more illustrious than they really are/were - probably to hide some scandals - goes way back. You Will Never Trust the News Again – the media is scripted (30 min vid). Jews have been in Europe for centuries, before Turkic Khazars ever immigrated to Germany. The circumstances of the conversion remain obscure, the depth of their adoption of Judaism difficult to assess; but the fact itself is undisputed and unparalleled in central Eurasian history. It is prophesied that two-thirds will be killed during the time Jesus Christ called “Jacob’s trouble. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel. It would appear that the Rothschilds are Ashkenazi Jews who descended from the Khazars who are actually Turks. The Eastern Jews as he called them, the Ashkenazim Khazarian 'Pseudo' Jews which adopted Judaism only in the late 9th century and migrated during the 11th century from Khazaria into Russia, Eastern Europe and finally Central Europe and beyond. Only 3% of Ashkenazi DNA is "ancient ancestry" from the Middle East. ; who migrated to Spain (becoming Sephardim) and to eastern Russia (Khazaria & later becoming Ashkenaz). Join Date: Mar 2008. Point-Blank!!👈. Khazaria was known by other surrounding nations as a lawless, evil nation that allowed the worst The site of the Khazar fortress at Sarkel, sacked by Sviatoslav c. The word was used by non-german jews to make out a 'german' jew, is short for Ashkenazi. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIMITED is a British corporation based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Zionist Jews crafted a scheme designed to turn the Russian people against there own Government creating discontent used to overthrow their own Russian leader. - Revelation 2:9. Because this site contains all the most valuable and most critical key information that tells you how this world works in reality. Identified by the prophecies of slavery, rape, robbery, and murder which has befallen them. They are not even Semites (half-black-half-white). By the tenth century, the Jews on the Black Sea migrated to Ukraine and Italy. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. From there they went to Russia, the Baltic states and Germany. The Bush-Zionist Global War on Terror has taken another massive hit. Israel is a terrorist state an illegal subhuman baby killing state ,who believe that all non jews are animals and were put on earth to serve the jews ,They are not gods chosen people ,God never promised Israel a state , The jews run china England Usa Australia ,and their lies about the Holocaust have been exposed now ,Dumb Goyim ,the continued. 39:30 Brainwashing 39:47 Stealing 300. And yet, no direct historiographical data is available to connect the Jews who lived in Eastern Europe in the 14th century with their co-religionists from the 10th-century Khazaria. Apr 19, 2017 - Explore Notte Ewe's board "Khazaria" on Pinterest. Yet he wrote: “Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. Dommergue, Jewish professor, said it was a total fake. A genetic researcher at John Hopkins University found that most of todays Jews are from Khazaria. , accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. Some call these Jewish Supremacist Zionists ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ or ‘Fake Jews’ or ‘Khazar Jews’ or ‘Khazarian Mafia’ – but those names are a deflection or distraction. Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where there existed such an organization. It was a conniving act by the Zionists to create shock reactions in the people, to paint the Germans as evil, while portraying the thieving, arch-corrupt, hedonistic Jews as the victims. The Professor had sound reason for his position. Pawns In The Game – William Guy Carr – 1937. Abbas - The Traitor. The reason this choice by King Bulan failed to become a permanent solution to the Khazarian mass sociopathy was that he himself never really accepted or. Around 740 AD, Bulan, the King of Khazaria, adopted the religion of. The 6th layer consists of the Khazarian Mafia who are fake Jews. This, of course, was the conversion of the kingdom of Khazaria, the time when the kings of the Khazars adopted the Jewish religion and made Hebrew the written language of the kingdom. While the Khazars were generally known to their neighbors as Jews (cf. Other groups joined the Samaritans or fake "Jews" throughout the centuries; the most notable being the Khazars— a Turkish tribe from Eastern Europe. Baron said of Khazaria in A Social and Religious History of the Jews: Its population was largely absorbed by the Golden Horde which had established the centre of its empire in Khazar territory. Ashkenazi Jews are European Jews whose ancestors came from Khazaria, not Israel. The Khazaria Empire could not extend any further south because the Tatars and Turkmen proved to Many true Torah Jews are highly-offended at the atrocities these Zionist Khazars Talmudic Jews. Like the Jews, their Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah are satanic books which they insist are greater than the Torah and. Contrarian Hungarian ex-communist and scientist Arthur Koestler brought the Khazar hypothesis to a wider audience with The Thirteenth Tribe (1976), in the hope that disproving a common Jewish. Jews are not mentioned in the Bible until the book of 2d Kings. Mourant (Clarendon Press, 1978) found that all Jews tested had between 5% and 10% admixture of Black African blood, which is the result of having lived in close proximity to Arabs and Africans in the Middle East and North Africa. Barriers Down – Kent Cooper – 1942. 100-800 AD - an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria: Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil In 1527 the Jews of Prague began to use the Star of David (David Al-roy) as their Flag a. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel. [12] Eran Elhaik, “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” Genome Biology and Human. The name "Khazar" seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering". This itself is one of the most sinister crimes against America and is a well-planned attempt to destroy Goyim men and prevent them from defending America from the KM’s “final solution” and final revenge for ever leaving England which is the mass-murder of 90%. Wyatt MannOver 80%-90% of the people calling themselves Jews today are Ashkenazi Jews. You can’t get droopy eye lids from a religion. Ashkenazi Jews / Ashkenazic Jews / Ashkenazim are Jews who originally lived in northern and eastern Europe. What is the truth to this claim? A convert to Judaism is just as Jewish as any other Jew -- so it wouldn't matter if a good percentage of Jews or even all European Jews WERE originally from Khazaria so long as they converted properly according to Jewish law (halacha). If past is preface, this cannot end well for Jews or anyone. A recent news account of persecution of Jews in China speculates about their origins, noting only a generic idea of Persian merchants involved. By the tenth century, the Jews on the Black Sea migrated to Ukraine and Italy. THE JEWS OF KHAZARIA by Kevin Alan Brook This book discusses all major issues surrounding the Khazar Empire, including diplomacy, trade, culture, military affairs, Khazarian Judaism, and migrations. The Jews in the labour camps were freed when the Red army invaded Bulgaria on 9th September 1944. In Scotland they have antisemites who pretend to be Jews. 1,465 words Translations: Czech, Spanish White Nationalists believe that multiculturalism—i. In the mood for affiliating? Think twice before you choose. You Will Never Trust the News Again – the media is scripted (30 min vid). Thus began the biggest hoax, the very birth and beginnings of Judaism’s massive conspiracy-masquerade that the World has ever seen or will ever experience. Al Qaeda to gas NYC Jews with Zyklon B; Germans supplied Iraqi gas chambers; Satan spoke to Jews at Auschwitz; 4,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, says "Sir" Martin G. This claim will be discussed in the following sections. the second one you'll see is "khazars fake jews". Long Live TheKhazaria Empire - Not! Post by Eric Plott. Famed historian Will Durant. jews rape kids. 3rd premise: so called “Paleo-Hebrew” (called so by the Ashkenazi fake Jews who are Turks or Khazars) or the most ancient Hebrew is Hebrew written in Phoenician alphabet;. 4)The Military and Intel Cartel which has served as the World’s policemen and used American Soldiers as disposable cannon-fodder. The Edomites converted to our life style in 135 BC and in 740 AD the people of Khazaria converted after mixing with Edomites that migrated from MT Seir to The Caucus Mountains, the real cave dwellers. *Baba Kamma 113a. The problem goes back some 8 centuries ago in land called Khazaria,which is today Georgia and some part of Ukraine. The Fraud called the Jews is based on this khazar lie that the modern so-called jews are Hebrews when in fact the majority are from the khazar tribe of centr. Fake jew or non-fake jew your argument doesn't paint any better picture and as one other poster stated- certainly doesn't justify their actions against the helpless Palestinian people. But this does not appear to be the case with Trump; who, in his speeches, shows dislike and distaste for Jewish lies. Ashkenazi Jews are European Jews whose ancestors came from Khazaria, not Israel. Modern “Arabs” are mostly Turks,Mamlukes, persian, Andalusian Spanish Muslim converts. 24th Jesus was not born of Turkic-Khazar-Mongol stock and neither did His teachings develop in 13th century Eastern Europe as is the case for most so-called "Jews" of today's Counterfeit Israel, but that's what Counterfeit Israel claims as it seizes hold of and attempts to alchemically transmute the true Messiah of true Israel, which it entirely rejects, into a golem to serve in. Prominent Jews say the Holocaust is a fake In his interview with Ernst Zundell, the scholarly R. Dead mate movie watch online. Khazar Empire - the False Jews * The Holy Bible - Revelation 2 - Verse 9: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan: History of The Khazar Empire - Lecture by Jack Otto - He Believed the Khazar Warriors are the Leaders of The Jesuits Order and the Society of Jesus. The area boxed in green is Crimea, a part of ancient Khazaria which the Russians took control of in 2014. An authoritative study of blood types of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews entitled, The Genetics Of The Jews by A. Only 3% of Ashkenazi DNA is "ancient ancestry" from the Middle East. Lying seems to be encoded into the gene pool of Jews, maybe as a result of the Talmud being unleashed in Khazaria more than a millennium past. That included the Jews of Khazaria, Christians dedicated to both Rome and Constantinople and Muslims of every sect and ethnicity. According to the so-called Rhineland Hypothesis, Ashkenazim descended from Jews who progressively fled Palestine after the Muslim conquest of 638 AD. The Truth about Ashkenazi Jews Подробнее. Caucasian Jews, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim–96% of the world’s Jews–meet all the anthropological criteria of “Whiteness” and are of the same ethnic/genetic cluster as we are–a Europeans/Near Easterners Ancestral Cluster (cf. – Judicial-inc. They are not an ethnicity and they are not a race; – The Holy Land of Jewish people is the Torah or the Synagogue, not a geographical location/piece of dirt; – Many Jews converted become to Jews, but how could this be if Jews were a race?. The view that some or all Khazars, a central Asian people, became Jews during the ninth or tenth century is widely accepted. The Jews have a secret history, a history of which they are familiar. Cyril (who visited Khazaria in 861) did not identify the Khazars as Jews, the khagan of that period, Zachariah, had a biblical Hebrew name. They wanted to hide their genocide and thus used lies by fabricating history. In 2001, Dr. Dead mate movie watch online. #fake-jews-of-khazaria. But in denying their claim to be “Jews,” John is using the word in the extended sense of “God’s (chosen) people,” which Jews claimed to be. 1,465 words Translations: Czech, Spanish White Nationalists believe that multiculturalism—i. Just look at a map of ancient Khazaria… The area boxed in red is the part of ancient Khazaria bordered by the Dnieper River that the Russians will control after the coming war. For him it is the Christians, and not the Jews, who are the chosen people (see Paul’s definition of authentic Jews in Rom 2:28–29; 9:8; Gal 6:15–16). The irony of "the law of return" is that many of today's jews have no direct ancestral link to the jews of the Old Testament. im here to separate the good jews from the satanic jews louis farrakhan, trumps jewish insult, rebel rabbis anti zionist jews against israel, coronavirus conspiracy theories last. 5% and adds the same money to militarism) meeting in Saudi/OIC islamofascist sharia against basic Human Rights. So back to the Ashkenazi Jews from Khazaria who migrated to Northern Europe. It can be hypothethized the Khazars all converted to Jews but later in time can be hypothethizrd they converted again or again. Fake news : SondAge. In turn the SPSC has access to the heart of the Scottish Government and Justice system. If the "Jews" are not Abraham's seed, then who is? 09. jpg: 45irkutsokol. com/askdrbrownstudio 11-01-18 Dr. En 1999, Kevin Brooks escribió el libro, “Los judíos de Khazaria”, que proporciona información histórica sobre la cultura jázara y su conversión al judaísmo. entered WWI solely because of influential turncoat Zionist “Jews” who wanted and got the Balfour Declaration:. But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the. btw Makows Illuminati book is now available in german. A real “holocaust” like your people did to Dresden and Nagasaki–not a fake one like the myth of 6,000,000 Jews you and your people foisted off on us–the HOLOHAUX. Send them all back to Khazaria where they came from, and where their anti-human, anti-God plan to destroy the entire world originated around 740 AD. Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and other Jews all share common genetics. 1941 article about fake WW1 soap lie; 2,000,000 Jews killed by injection of bubbles; Hitler finds out Jews are being Holocausted "IRAQIS HAVE GAS CHAMBERS FOR ALL JEWS". Famous Men. In fact, there have been Jews in Germany, long before Khazaria even existed, possibly even a thousand years earlier. Chivalry – Internet Newsletter-First Issue – Eli James Chivalry #2. Ancient Hebrews and Arabs like those of Rashidun caliphate were black Semites. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and Will These Passengers Be Arriving With the Fake Alien Arrival As Part of Project Bluebeam?. The deception is so great, we really must walk in the Spirit at all times. English Jews were never as vigorous as their continental coreligionists in demanding the lifting of legal barriers away from Europe, official decrees of emancipation were not required Jews in America were guaranteed liberty within the constitution in 1776 religious freedom Jews could practice religion in Canada, but not hold office until 1832. Common to both the Talmud and Halacha Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. No Fake Results. Ancient texts, ancient history, forbidden archaeology, religion, back engineered technologies, indigenous spiritualities, nutrition and alternative healthcare. Several times I have referred to white nationalism, which is basically an American phenomenon, as ‘charlatanry’. Stand with us: www. While Christians and people of other religions are persecuted, Jews are admired and even celebrated. Modern “Arabs” are mostly Turks,Mamlukes, persian, Andalusian Spanish Muslim converts. That's wrong. They are the fake Jews that Messiah foretold in Revelation 3, who say they are Jews, but do lie, but are of the Synagogue of Satan. Khazaria subsisted on the Black Sea, their neighbors being the Magyars who were on the Caspian Sea. It was to revenge Russia for chasing them out of Khazaria, that they killed more than 100 million after getting in power. After a series of eco-disasters, including a plague, the emperor (c. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews. Dear readers and commentators do not get swayed by word Jewish. , but of course that did not include. Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine – Samuel Landman – 1936. Khazaria was known as the epitome of selfishness and evil, from the King all the way down to the average citizen. All of the Ashkenazi Jews alive today can trace their roots to a group of about 330 people who lived 600 to 800 years ago. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel. Poliak in his book Khazaria (1944, 1951); American historian Professor Dunlop of Columbia University in his article on the Khazars in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971); Noam Chomsky. France, etcthat Khazar stock mixed with European is what you get today. Brown addresses the latest. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. Point-Blank!!👈. The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Fake Jews and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. Let Judaism 101, taught by Jews in universities, answer the question — “the orthodox Ashkenazi Jews believe (according to their western Talmud) that a person is a Jew if his mother is a Jew. Secrets (Volume 198): Download. Even the famous "Steps of Potemkin" in Odessa, Ukraine (very close to Izmail, Ukraine) are in honor of a paramour of Catherine the Great and his contribution in defending Ukraine and Russia from the Ottoman-Khazarian hordes that were trying to take over Europe and Russia. FALSE BECAUSE KHAZARIA WAS A DESTINATION FOR THE JEWISH DIASPORA, AND KHAZARIAN JEWS INTEGRATED WITH OTHER JEWS. The Jews of today, largely the Ashkenazim and some Sephardim (the two largest Jewish sects) have roots that go back into the heart of Asia to a kingdom called Khazaria. Khazar Empire flag. And yet, no direct historiographical data is available to connect the Jews who lived in Eastern Europe in the 14th century with their co-religionists from the 10th-century Khazaria. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. UNIVERSAL JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA (1945): "Descendants of the Khazar Jews are believed to have migrated to Kiev and other parts of Russia. Zionism explained Подробнее. While the Khazars were generally known to their neighbors as Jews (cf. Their agenda to rid all Gentiles and real Jews off the planet as written in their Talmud. The Russians have had to defend Russia against the machinations of these Fake Jews for 1,000 years. So those wealthy Jews, crypto-Jews and covert Jew worshipers in your community are used as cutouts, assets and Sayanim. They once lived in the area of Rhineland and France and after the crusades they moved to Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Prince Vladimer of Russia did attack Khazaria, causing the Khazar Jews to flee. by Anonymous. Contrarian Hungarian ex-communist and scientist Arthur Koestler brought the Khazar hypothesis to a wider audience with The Thirteenth Tribe (1976), in the hope that disproving a common Jewish. the second one you'll see is "khazars fake jews". The Bush-Zionist Global War on Terror has taken another massive hit. The problem goes back some 8 centuries ago in land called Khazaria,which is today Georgia and some part of Ukraine. 218 -- is capt ajit vadakayil right when he says – jew hitler tasked with eliminating anal sex receiving white jews (who were unwanted in the promised land of israel) , was the chief executor of the haavara agreement which was an incentive to jews to migrate from comfortable europe to a barred desert called palestine. Wyatt MannOver 80%-90% of the people calling themselves Jews today are Ashkenazi Jews. The fake Jews murdered his body and the Talmud was created to murder his memory. the tribes to stay behind were Benjamin. Trying to dismiss or dip in controversy this event is, to me, like denying the Khazar tribe conversion to Judaism in the 720’s. Zionist Jews crafted a scheme designed to turn the Russian people against there own Government creating discontent used to overthrow their own Russian leader. Israel has been desperately digging for the so called temple under Muslim mosque for over 40 years without finding one single trace! They were even caught trying to fake it:. The old testament that Christians consider is the Hebrew bible, hence it was Jews who warped the Celts for world domination. You could not be a Jew in any other way. Ashkenazi Khazars (93% of the world “Jewry”) are fake “Jews. It was the world’s first real Central Bank. The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. 90% of so-called jews are fake-jews. How the “Holocaust” was Faked“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety. All fake jew females that are gossipy are yentas. They’re historically ignorant, but they do read their Bible—that is who the New Testament blames, after all. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct. The Jews and Modern Capitalism – Werner Sombart – 1911. See more ideas about ancient warfare, historical warriors, ancient warriors. Who is a Fake Jew? http://vinesbranch. The Jews and papists wished to debase him by confounding him in this way. Recently-discovered numismatic evidence suggests that Judaism was the established state religion by c. So those wealthy Jews, crypto-Jews and covert Jew worshipers in your community are used as cutouts, assets and Sayanim. Where do the Jewish people come from? This is a question that anthopologists, historians and theologists have studied for millennia. End Times Reductionism for the few US jews who will realize the hoax before they are charred to the extermination camps Too late to finally realize that "jews in control", from Hollywood to the US administration, are nothing but actors part of the script to finally wipe them off the face of the earth. During this time, Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those. com has an article by Alexander Beider on September 25, 2017 titled "Ashkenazi Jews are Not Khazars: Here's the Proof" Google it , Israel is also NOT an "Apartheid State" February 13, 2019 at 8:29 PM Anonymous said. The Khazarian Conspiracy that rules the World. You could not be a Jew in any other way. Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: "Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite…. Just as the discovery of genetics undermined the theory of evolution, the same can now be said for the Jewish contention that they are “God’s chosen people,” the legitimate descendants of the Israelites, as a new DNA study has revealed that both Jews and Arabs share common ancestry with the Canaanites, the. If Helen. Ibn Fadlan recounts specifically an incident in which the king of Khazaria destroyed the minaret of a mosque in Atil as revenge for the destruction of a synagogue in Dâr al-Bâbûnaj, and allegedly said he would have done worse were it not for a fear that the Muslims might retaliate in turn against Jews. This is science and is not my word against yours. The Khazar Jews settled in Russia (they pretended to be Christian to hide there), Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. The converted Khazars were the first population of so-called or self-styled "Jews' in eastern Europe. They are not the ancient Israelites and are not the seed of Abraham. Over 80%-90% of the people calling themselves "Jews" today are Ashkenazi Jews. They were not "Jews;" they were Hebrews, or sons of God. All fake jew females that are gossipy are yentas. 7, 2015 Today (Feb. What the Bolsheviks created after their violent overthrow of the Russian people was a “Godless State of Atheistic Communism. One moment, I was laughing my head off at Patrick Sunderland’s air humping; the next, saddened by Annabel Cameron’s failed attempts to reunite with her ex through fake French idioms (and accent); the next, warmed by Chiara Angeloni’s speech on. Lilienthal. Modern day Jews are the descendants of converts from many areas including China, India, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Yemen, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Southern Italy and of course the famous Khazaria. - Revelation 2:9. In fact there was a wealthy Baron living on the same street whose daughter Marx later married. But following an exhaustive analysis of the evidence, Hebrew University. The Jews had founded the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609. 3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian "Return" in 520 BC), 4 - Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD ), 5 - Turkic "Hindu" Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC ), and. If they are forgeries, as the Jews claim, they prove their genuineness to a certain extent by the vehemency with which Jews attack them. those speaking of fake Jews tend to always end up just core anti-Semitic Jew hate if asked no killing of 6 million Jews Yahweh is the source and Yahshua is His salvation Blessings and Blessings to you OP even Thor needs a savior and in that moment you will find him. 1: Hebrew Israelites believe that modern American minorities – both black and brown – are the true descendants of Biblical Israel. [11] Jim Wald, “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine,” Times of Israel , March 18, 2014. You Will Never Trust the News Again – the media is scripted (30 min vid). 1,465 words Translations: Czech, Spanish White Nationalists believe that multiculturalism—i. 6 millions constituted the desertic Beersheba district (Negev). The Polish, Ukrainian, and. Archive for the 'The Khazars (fake jews) are the New World Order' Category. It is the parent-company of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA sub-corporations in America under various names (which it changes on ongoing basis by re-incorporating them), The company was first incorporated within America in 1868 in the state of Delaware as a PRIVATE company and seized control of the District. Today 90% of the world Jews are descendants of these khazar, from Khazaria, north of Caucasus mountains, the so called Ashkenazy Jews. The converted Khazars were the first population of so-called or self-styled "Jews' in eastern Europe. The Khazar theory for the origin of the Jews was invented by the womanizing communist intellectual Arthur Koestler in his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe. "Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine. They do not descend from one another, but they both descend from the same original White ancestors through different branches!. Prince Vladimer of Russia did attack Khazaria, causing the Khazar Jews to flee. Elhaik cites Kevin Alan Brook's The Jews of Khazaria (2006) as one of his bases for choosing Armenians and Georgians as his "surrogate populations" for Khazars. 6 millions constituted the desertic Beersheba district (Negev). These Jews adopted the name Ashkenaz, and the DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” 4 – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey. ’’ Exact quote:. When it comes to Baruch Goldstein’s murder of 29 Palestinians at prayer, fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge that such an act constitutes “murder” because according to the Halacha, “the killing by a Jew of a non-Jew under any. Jews today are widely considered their descendants. Ancient texts, ancient history, forbidden archaeology, religion, back engineered technologies, indigenous spiritualities, nutrition and alternative healthcare. If you're not a fake Jewish troll, you're the most deluded Jew since David Goldberg announced that the Chinese love and respect Jews. No one ever suggested Ashkenazi “came from Khazar stock. Jews are incapable of understanding that I have no interest in degenerate sex or billions of dollars. The same individuals have been arrested in Haiti after the quake for child kidnap. WFI History: The Fake Jews, History of The Khazars. I don’t think races are ‘pure’, because people always thought in terms of tribes and not in terms of races. The Khazars adopted the religion of the Samaritans or fake Jews around 740 A. So it is a fair guess that American military/intelligence had already been infiltrated, corrupted, co-opted, and commandeered by Jews and crypto-Jews well before “Operation 9/11” was staged, more or less as a television show or movie, as trauma-based mind control of the masses and pretext to drive the world towards the “One World. FALSE BECAUSE KHAZARIA WAS A DESTINATION FOR THE JEWISH DIASPORA, AND KHAZARIAN JEWS INTEGRATED WITH OTHER JEWS. Anti Semitism is caused because many Jews serve (consciously or unconsciously) the bankers' harmful agenda. The Bush-Zionist Global War on Terror has taken another massive hit. The Jews look like white men but are the Sephardics from Edom to the south of Israel and Khazarian when from Babylon (part white part Turkish) Nebuchadnessar was a Kazzite (part white part Turkish) and in Genesis 36:2 & 3 Esau went out and married two Turkish women and 1 Arab (part white part Egyptian) woman so Esau or Edom created the part. A recent news account of persecution of Jews in China speculates about their origins, noting only a generic idea of Persian merchants involved. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. Get the Jews out of Wall Street, retail, and finance, so they cannot swindle us out of our hard-earned money, and sell us shoddy goods and kosherized food. The Eastern Jews as he called them, the Ashkenazim Khazarian 'Pseudo' Jews which adopted Judaism only in the late 9th century and migrated during the 11th century from Khazaria into Russia, Eastern Europe and finally Central Europe and beyond. com/Jews-Khazaria-Kevin-Alan-Brook/dp/074254981X This video in Khazaria indicates that Khazars have no connection to Ashkenazi Jews. The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. The Jews of Khazaria chronicles the history of the Khazars, a people who, in the early Middle Ages, founded a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia). They have been using the “Jew” appellation since the late 18th Century in order to appear to be Judahite Hebrews – see How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West. By that time, this religion became know as Judaism. The 6th layer consists of the Khazarian Mafia who are fake Jews. Who is a Fake Jew? http://vinesbranch. Send them all back to Khazaria where they came from, and where their anti-human, anti-God plan to destroy the entire world originated around 740 AD. Many Ashkenazi Jews now find they have some Khazar (or intermingled Tatar) ancestry. 👉FAKE JEWS sold the REAL JEWS into Slavery. Famed historian Will Durant. But Oppenheim’s work has not stirred up the Zionists as much because she is not so public with her findings. Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars - Ashkenazi Jews are Israelites. , those descended from an Eastern European bloodline) are not ethnically Jewish at all. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and Will These Passengers Be Arriving With the Fake Alien Arrival As Part of Project Bluebeam?. , says: The Talmud is still the authoritative and practical guide to the great mass of the Jews, and still not all the rabbis accept the. When the murders and brutality of communism started taking place it was too late for the Russians to realized they were duped into helping Jews/Communist destroy their freedom and lives. A few scholars have even asserted that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many eastern European and Russian Jews. Eighty to ninety percent of all the “Jews” in the world have NO Semitic ancestry, they are Khazars - - of “Gentile” origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A. The Fake Jews are the Khazars. There are decent and god fearing Jews (like the Jews of the Middle East or the Neturei Karta) but all of them disagree with these lunatics Ashkenazis that comprise 92% of Palestine now. The Khazar myth (officially the Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry) holds that Ashkenazi Jews (i. For a forgery you must have an original, and the more valuable the article, the more careful the forger is to make it like the original. A new poll finds that 26 percent of Americans believe the Jews killed Jesus. That’s why Jewish novelist Arthur Koestler’s 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, was a political and theological bombshell. Bill Bonner of Daily Reckoning penned and published 2 interesting articles on 7/24/09 - One and Two. Meanwhile, the fake news smear campaign against Donald Trump is also ramping up by the day. So those wealthy Jews, crypto-Jews and covert Jew worshipers in your community are used as cutouts, assets and Sayanim. His parents were well off. January 23, 2016. So the other problem with focusing on Jews is, in my opinion, that it actually obscures our understanding of the motivations of TPTB more than it illuminates. Fake jews of israel = KHAZARS. China's first Jews THE first Jews immigrated to China in the Tang (AD 618-907) and Song dynasties (960-1279), and a Jewish community was formed in the imperial capital of Kaifeng. They are full of hate, greed, malice. In the 10th century, these Khazarian “Jewish” converts emigrated to Eastern Europe, and especially Poland and Lithuania. Modern day Jews are the descendants of converts from many areas including China, India, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Yemen, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Southern Italy and of course the famous Khazaria. An absolute lie; no one can demonstrate otherwise. Jews lived throughout Europe before they were expelled, then throughout North Africa and the Middle East, even in Persia. Sheep Honey and Jews in Large Quantities A review of The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook Soon after the Persian Empire fell to the Companions of Prophet Muhammad ?, the armies of the Caliphate reached to the Door of Doors, the fortress of Durbent which closes the narrow gap between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, the fortress believed to have been built by Iskandar Dhul. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and Will These Passengers Be Arriving With the Fake Alien Arrival As Part of Project Bluebeam?. If the "Jews" are not Abraham's seed, then who is? 09. Khazaria is the land, and its people, the Khazars, which are the source of the Jewish communities in Eastern Europe i. Fake jews of israel = KHAZARS. This seems to be some kind of seal or coin of the realm. They came from former Khazaria region, today Georgia/Ukraine. The Jews who continued to follow Sabbatai became known as Donmeh Jews (from the Turkish work donme ‘to convert’). Since the Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Israelites, then it is not possible that they had any ancestors who lived in the Khazar kingdom. So says a new study in the journal Nature Communications. The strife in the. that is the New World Order, the anti-Christ kingdom … Now we wait for the Jewish Masciach…. The Jews in the labour camps were freed when the Red army invaded Bulgaria on 9th September 1944. Get this from a library! The Jews of Khazaria. As far as the Grail is concerned, it must be, as many believe, a stone fallen from Lucifer’s crown. Arabs are Sunni. The old testament that Christians consider is the Hebrew bible, hence it was Jews who warped the Celts for world domination. The irony is that it is fake Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, who are Jews by religion, but are not the descendants of Abraham; who control the money and the world. So says a new study in the journal Nature Communications. What we know about the Khazars is this: the Khazars were of Turkish and Mongol descent and in medieval times lived in the western part of the Turkish Empire. i agree with everything that has been said,i would like to also state that these ashenazi zionist jews describe themselves as being semite,this is not possible as they originate from khazaria,eastern europe,this does not come under the semetic belt,they are not arab nor do they descend from arabs,but they are very cunning,by refering themselves as semites they are brainwashing people into. com THE KHAZAR FORTRESS OF SARKEL Sarkel's fortress was one of Khazaria's most important, serving both as a defensive structure and a trading caravan stopover. The prose part, after compliments, refers to the geographical situation of al-Andalus and Khazaria and describes the natural wealth of al-Andalus and Ḥisdai's own position there. Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where there existed such an organization. 3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian "Return" in 520 BC), 4 - Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD ), 5 - Turkic "Hindu" Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC ), and. They wanted to hide their genocide and thus used lies by fabricating history. No Fake Results. Some call these Jewish Supremacist Zionists ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ or ‘Fake Jews’ or ‘Khazar Jews’ or ‘Khazarian Mafia’ – but those names are a deflection or distraction. The Muslims attacked it immediately, and its existence greatly increased the number of "Good" fighting Muslims. All but one of the bonafide Khazars studied show significant Mongoloid ancestry from the original Turkic homeland in southern Siberia and Central Asia. 4)The Military and Intel Cartel which has served as the World’s policemen and used American Soldiers as disposable cannon-fodder. The Khazar Jews and the sephardic Jews are genetically similar because they come from the same stock in the same part of the world! It is the same as when a Finn and an Irishman look similar. Read below (added on Jan 12, 2017). The Jews had founded the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609. The OVERWHELMING majority of Jews are descendants from the converts of Khazaria and elsewhere who ADOPTED Judaism…. It's a theory that more or less affirms the understanding that many Jews themselves hold. The idea that Jewish behavior is genetic is like a house full of smoke, which can suffocate and assault a serious thinking person. These evil people known as Khazars mongrels cross bread of Mongols Turks and you name it. Khazarian, Khazars, research, schools, education, geopolitics, invasion, history, ethnic, central asia, crime, fraud, felony, economic, central bank, federal reserve, rothschild, policy, economic crash. Most Jews are now totally identified with Israel, which is a tool of the Rothschilds' demented megalomania. awsome isn`t it? well, the identification is useful, as Askhenazi Jews are also called Khazar Jews. So back to the Ashkenazi Jews from Khazaria who migrated to Northern Europe. The Chinese used to call the Jews in Kaifeng "blue-capped Muslims" because the latter wore blue caps for religious rituals,. Ashkenazi Jews are European Jews whose ancestors came from. Just who are these people? These impostors who call themselves Jews?. A good refutation is nary anywhere, but we’ll look at some new DNA evidence to trace the Ashkenazi genealogical line–blowing the Khazar myth to smithereens. The Khazar Jews settled in Russia (they pretended to be Christian to hide there), Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. There have been many false theories said out there of the Ashkenazi Jews being descendants of Khazar (Khazarian) who converted to Judaism and are the Jews of today and as a real Khazar myself from Chapaev, Kazakhstan I'm offended people are making these rejected false theories when Ashkenazi Jews have no Turkic Mongoloid feature. Old Khazaria existed from about 500 AD to about 1000 AD. In 1973, a man named Koestler wrote “the Thirteenth Tribe. The answer to the question is that Jews benefitted from white systematic racism the same way the Italians the Irish the Dutch the Germans etc. ” “The True God is forever faithful and the Earth is our inheritance. The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. The us govt. The very people to sell their own out are the ones, who act high and mighty put on a fake accent, look down on you, after all the abuse and everything they have done and know, some who know more about 9/11 and omagh than they let on, just saying as an example , (only pure utter vile , noxious, scumbags hate their own kind to that level, why was. (Haaretz) — The claim that today’s Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazars who converted in the Middle Ages is a myth, according to new research by a Hebrew University historian. those of the religion are those are of the seed of Eve who's the female who has the enmity with The Serpent or Dragon for My words are Spirit and those who worship, worship in Spirit and in reality welling up between the. The fake Jews are dangerous for what THEY beleive. Oddly, the Zionists were mostly non-Jews whose ancestors had themselves converted to Judaism around 800 AD in a place called Khazaria, in the Caucasus Mountains between the Caspian and Black Seas. LAMENTATIONS 5:10. The Khazar myth (officially the Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry) holds that Ashkenazi Jews (i. In that the answer lies. Poliak in his book Khazaria (1944, 1951); American historian Professor Dunlop of Columbia University in his article on the Khazars in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971); Noam Chomsky. Famous Men. They form the three-part rule of the Secret Government, and are puppets of the Vatican. Since the Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Israelites, then it is not possible that they had any ancestors who lived in the Khazar kingdom. Jesus paid for his honesty with his life, murdered at the hands of the Pharisees, or the fake Jews of his age. Inside The Gestapo – Hansjurgen Koehler – 1940. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A. Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire - Lecture by Jack Otto. After suffering persecution in Persia, Byzantium, and various Islamic nations, many Jews fled to Khazaria (1, 2) for safety. Both the Mountain Jews and the Karachais seem to be connected with the Khazars of the Caucasus region. Mainstream=113. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. the Ashkenazi Jews. com - History of Jewish Khazars, Khazar Turk www. In turn the SPSC has access to the heart of the Scottish Government and Justice system. Most Jews are now totally identified with Israel, which is a tool of the Rothschilds' demented megalomania. If Helen. The Khazaria Empire could not extend any further south because the Tatars and Turkmen proved to Many true Torah Jews are highly-offended at the atrocities these Zionist Khazars Talmudic Jews. Since the Jews manifest a face of mighty grasping empires- the Orthodox Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid Muslim Caliphate- impelled the rulers of Khazaria to adopt Judaism as a defensive. They wanted to hide their genocide and thus used lies by fabricating history. These Jews and crypto-Jews attempt to divert our attention away from the fact that the Jewish People as a whole, and as an ancient plague, have mass murdered hundreds of millions of non-Jews, destroyed countless civilizations, stolen the wealth of hundreds of nations, and brought war, famine, devastating revolution and genocide to every corner. The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their own writings. Scottish Rite Freemason = 99 One hundred thirteen = 99 Dishonest=113. Trying to dismiss or dip in controversy this event is, to me, like denying the Khazar tribe conversion to Judaism in the 720’s. In the Arab world the theory espoused in Koestler's book was adopted by persons who argued that if Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of the Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites, thus undermining the theological basis of both Jewish. Many others are experiencing horrific convulsions, partial paralysis, hospitalizations and other bizarre side effects. - Revelation 2:9. What makes Jews so vulnerable, I don't know. While it is true that many modern Jews did go through Khazaria and mix with the inhabitants there, this theory neglects the fact that there are Jewish populations in Palestine who never left the region and Jewish populations in Spain and North Africa who never went through Khazaria. Ibn Fadlan recounts specifically an incident in which the king of Khazaria destroyed the minaret of a mosque in Atil as revenge for the destruction of a synagogue in Dâr al-Bâbûnaj, and allegedly said he would have done worse were it not for a fear that the Muslims might retaliate in turn against Jews. php?p=1_854_My-Statement Who is the seed of Abraham? Let us be all that God Created you to be. Most American Jews are victims of Zionism - moreso than goyim. They form the three-part rule of the Secret Government, and are puppets of the Vatican. Khazarian Mafia Trap.
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