tusk adamowicz nostradamus
De Bourze ville à la dame Guyrlande, L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte, Le grand prelat de Leon par Formande, Faux pellerins & rauisseurs deffaicte. At the Garland lady of the town of Burgos, They will impose for the treason committed: The great prelate of Leon through Formande, Undone by false pilgrims and ravishers. De Castillon figuieres nour de brune, De femme infame naistra souuerain prince Surnom de chausses perhume luy posthume, Onc Roy ne fut si pire en sa prouince. In the Castle of Figueras on a misty day A sovereign prince will be born of an infamous woman: Surname of breeches on the ground will make him posthumous, Never was there a King so very bad in his province.