Europe in 2043 territorial changes after the collapse of the European Union.

Belgium will undergo revolutions and overthrow the monarchy, the republic of the Netherlands will be annexed to the Netherlands. West Germany will separate from the eastern ones. France will split into two zones. Serbia will incorporate Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro. Croatia will annex Bosnia and Slovenia.the baltic states lithuania latvia estonia will form a joint federation. russia will create federated new states kaliningrad will stay with russia. ukraine will regain separatist regions without Crimea.Poland will not change territorially, but the government will consist of Grzegorz Braun Korwin Kukiz and former self-defense lepper who died in 2010. Bélgica sufrirá revoluciones y derrocará a la monarquía, la república de los Países Bajos se anexionará a los Países Bajos. Alemania Occidental se separará de las orientales. Francia se dividirá en dos zonas. Serbia incorporará a Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania y Montenegro. Croacia anexará Bosnia y Eslovenia. Los estados bálticos...